Blog Assignment #3: Mystery Microbes (individual)

  •       As yo see in the pictures nothing really happened on the day 3 so I was s disappointed but he day 7 I got a really but on on number 2 which it as my laptop. I t was not what I expected but since is always like surprise you I thought maybe the sink is the worth one but I sis nor get anything on sink.

  •   Compare to my lab mate one of them did not really get anything and the other one got a lot of in one section which is looks crazy for me compare to mine. I only got one big one in my laptop. It is hard to explain the reason but I think it all will back that it is hard to grow Bactria in lab environment and we only be able to get maybe 1% of them.

  • What objects did you decide to sample and why?
  • 1) my hand 2) laptop 3)sink 4)chair
  • What type of growth did you see on Day 3? on Day 7? Describe the growth.
  • As yo see in the pictures nothing really happened on the day 3 so I was s disappointed but he day 7 I got a really but on on number 2 which it as my laptop. I t was not what I expected but since is always like surprise you I thought maybe the sink is the worth one but I sis nor get anything on sink.
  • Did you have growth from all the samples? If not, why do you think that happened?
  • As I said in last question, I was assuming the sink will be the worst one because we always dump stuff there but it was not like that. I got a really small one on chair and my hand which it was unexpected I was thinking it should be more specially on my hand.
  • What sample yielded the most growth of organisms? Why do you think that happened?
  • The laptop had the most growth and I believe maybe the Bactria on the laptop was more suitable on the lab atmosphere so it had the most growth. 
  • Did anything about the growth you observed surprise you?
  • I was thinking the sink should have more Bactria bu I got nothing out of it.
  • Describe the plate of your lab mate. What did you notice about their plate?
  • one of my lab mate got nothing and the other one got a lot of Bactria it was not really look good but it was cool to see how there is a lot of Bactria everywhere and somewhere might have more but somewhere might have less.
  • Compare and contrast your plate with your lab mate's plate.
  • Reflection: What does this mini experiment reveal to you about the ubiquity of microorganisms? 1) you can find them everywhere no mater what
  • 2) it is hard too grow them in lab because you only can get 1 % or even less.
  • Write at least 3 scientific questions based on your observation.
  • 1) why some Bactria had rapid growth?
  • 2)if you did not have anything in your plate does it mean there is no Bactria?
  • 3)Why is it hard to growth most of the Bactria in lab environment?
  • Write 1 hypothesis based on the questions above.
  • Bactria growth is all about the environmental aspect such as temperature or etc.. the better is the environment the more growth you can have.


  1. I'm curious as to where you swabbed the sink because I did the sink handle and the sample grew bacteria. You said that you thought the sink would have the most bacteria because we dump stuff there, so I'm guessing that you swabbed near the drain? It's true that we clean off dirty things in the sink, but we also clean our hands with soap so maybe that cancels out what nasty stuff could potentially grow there.


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