Blog Assignment #10: Research Project Reflection (individual)
The most interesting part about our research project was
seeing a quantitative difference in the inhibition of bacterial growth, before
we had done our first trial we believed a couple of the mouthwashes would work
better than the rest, but it was interesting to see how significant the
difference was. The most difficult part of our research was creating a
technique to set up the plates for testing that yielded quality results, we
never found one technique that stood out from the rest, we experimented with it
and not all turned out to meet our standards, for example in trial three we
used a micropipette to dispense the mouthwashes and controls directly onto the
cotton disks to ensure we used the same amount per plate; this trial turned out
to be unreadable. I was proud of the data we found and the research we were
able to present in the form of a poster.
We had a lot of people really interested in our results.
As aforementioned we could improve our technique in setting
up the plates with samples to get better quality data that is more consistent
throughout trials, not that bacterial inhibition would be the same throughout
trials, but that our data would be more linear. I was surprised how easy it is
to get contamination in the petri dishes.
A few that were left on the cart untouched got infected. In five years, I’ll remember how to present a
poster at a undergraduate research symposium, something I would like to do a
lot more often in my future academic career, and I will also remember how fun a
research project is to do start to finish.
Your project was interesting and can be applied to everyday life. Did your results impact your decision on which mouthwash to use personally? Did you use mouthwash before and from your results are you more likely to use mouthwash after seeing the bacteria grown from your own mouth?